Part one of a fantastic editorial first published in 1967, which pays homage to those who were determined to step out in true 'peacock style' regardless of the general conformity in menswear that still surrounded them at the time. The original article is in French, which unfortunately I do not I shall refrain from doing the language an injustice by attempting to translate the intro to the piece or any of the quotes from Baudelaire via google translate. Thankfully, the photographs are strong enough to speak for themselves....there are definitely some superb examples of dandy finery on display here!
Gérard Silvi, modéliste, habillé par Dean.
Jean Manuel Guyader, art director, habillé par Renoma.
Gilles Rimbault, peintre, Habillé par Cardin.
Pablo Mesejean, peintre.
All images and original text scanned by Sweet Jane from PLEXUS issue No.9 1967. Photos: Chantal Wolf.