How to tame 49 wild horses
Easy. Saddle up a Thunderbolt by BSA! You'll find out fast who's master when you put the spurs to 654 cc's of power house. In seconds you're charging at 100mph-and then some. Change your mind and Thunderbolt's big brakes rein things back to zero in a hurry! BSA breeding shows up all along the line. In the slim, sleek profile-from chrome sports fenders to racing type dual seat. In faultless engineering. In a host of details like the six plate multiple disc clutch, twin down swept pipes, Dunlop K 70s front and back, total performance cam. So why horse around with lesser breeds. Go thoroughbred...with Thunderbolt. Write for details and full color illustrations of all the 1968 models. Specs may vary East and West.
Image scanned for the Sweet Jane blog from Cycle World Magazine 1968 with thanks to Brad Jones. Discover more about BSA Motorcycles-the final evolution by Brad Jones published by Veloce Publishing Ltd here. Watch The Glory Days of British Motorbikes - A BBC Timeshift documentary here & Rita Tushingham in The Leather Boys (1964) here, View British Mods and Rockers of the 1960s (documentary) here, Some 1968 Biker influenced fashion in one of my previous posts here, Where Have the Carousel Animals Gone? here. The Rolling Stones performing Wild Horses here, and finally, the real thing here