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The Paris Boutique of Yé -Yé Girl Sylvie Vartan 1967


Yé-Yé girl Sylvie Vartan photographed at her Paris boutique in august 1967, where she would spend two to three afternoons per week working when she wasn't busy performing or recording. Sylvie was pretty much very 'hands on' in the day to day running of the boutique, it was more like a second job rather than just another celebrity business venture. She played a very active role, designed most of the garments and chose all of the accessories herself. The shop layout and decor were also a reflection of her personal taste, she had an oversized version of her favourite flower 'a daisy' made especially for the window display and carried this design feature throughout the shop as a motif, it was printed on the front of her t-shirt collection and various other items. 

                                                                IMAGE CREDITS
All images scanned by Sweet Jane from Mademoiselle Age Tendre Aout No.34 1967. Photographer uncredited.


                                              Visit the official Sylvie Vartan website here.
                                           Read about Sylvie's career and listen to her here.
                                     Learn more about the Yé-Yé Girls of '60s French Pop here.

Rock Buster 1970


I purchased this lp sometime in the late 90s, in the second hand section of a record shop in Dublin called 'The Secret Book & Record Store', so called because although it is located just off one of the busiest shopping streets in the heart of the city centre, it is also situated at the end of a long, narrow corridor behind a rather inconspicuous doorway, completely hidden away from  street view.  The lp itself is a double, released by CBS in 1970 as the fourth and final in a series of budget priced rock sampler albums. It features 26 tracks in total from various artists such as Bob dylan, The Byrds, Dublin's own 'Skid Row' and Blood Sweat & Tears. And although I have one other in the series, this is definitely my favourite of the two, purely from a visual point of view though, musically I prefer it's predecessor from 1968 which was called 'Rock Machine I Love You'. I was instantly attracted to the sleeve design, which features a newspaper print photograph of Arnold Schwarzenegger from his Mr Universe days superimposed onto a vibrant pop art graphic background, it reminded me of aspects of the work of so many artists that I admire, from Peter Blake to Richard Hamilton.  Being a classic 70s double lp, it also features a gatefold sleeve (the champion of cover art and loyal friend of the liner note) so even the inner cover is noteworthy. A more detailed view of  the track listing can be found here.  And you can view the work of pop artist Peter Blake as mentioned above in one of my previous post here

                                                              IMAGE CREDITS
All images scanned by Sweet Jane from Rock Buster 1970, Compiled by David Howells, Sleeve Design & Art by Bloomsbury Group in Conjunction with Arthur Bayes Associates. Photograph of Arnold Schwarzenegger  courtesy of Weider (U.K) Ltd.

                                      Read more about The Secret Book & Record Store here.
                                    View another of my posts about pop artist Peter Blake here.
           Visit the first comprehensive retrospective of the work pop artist artist Richard Hamiltion here.

Cosak is Orbiting Course as Planned 1967


Feel the great ship steady beneath your feet. Out there across the cold reaches of space the moon hangs motionless. You are on course. Forget the computations. Concentrate on Cosak. Cosak is new. A cloth of incomparable elegance.  55% Terylene, 45% Mohair; blended by a novel twist to make a space-age yarn; woven into a modern fable. Unique. Superb. Steel and silk. Cool and crisp. A lightweight faultlessly superior. 

                                                                IMAGE CREDITS

Image & original text scanned by Sweet Jane from London Look, 8 July 1967. Photograph by Alec Murray, with thanks to Kirstin Sibley.

Old England Watches - 1967


Ah, Google translate..you've let me down badly on this one! My attempts to decipher this Twen feature and turn it into some form of cohesive english proved to be both frustrating and tiresome..to the point where I almost felt the need for an afternoon snooze coming on halfway through, so i've decided to momentarily disregard it!  But nevertheless, there are still some really nice examples of the oversized Old England watches designed by Richard Loftus on display here, which were produced by 'Accurist' the watch making company established by his parents in 1946. After graduating from Cambridge with a degree in Economics, Loftus spent a year at Stanford University in the States before returning back home to Britain, whereupon in 1965 he created and developed the brand which was to cause a revolution in the highly traditional watch trade, launching it worldwide two years later. Originally designed as a fun, low cost 'fashion' watch, it was predominantly favoured by girls in their late teens and early twenties but his effective use of pop design was so in tune with current trends that they soon became a much sought-after item beyond these social parameters and even made their way onto the wrists of royalty and the jet set, with both Princess Anne and Elizabeth Taylor reported to have been seen sporting variations from the range. Already in demand throughout the UK and Europe, with an Old England showroom in the United States as early as april '67 the brand quickly became an international success and was eventually sold in over 40 countries, accounting for about 20 percent of Accurist's business, turning Loftus into a tycoon in due course, also winning him the title of 'Young Exporter of the Year' at just 24 and elevating the status of the watch from traditional timepiece to fashion statement piece. From what I can gather the production timeline seems to have run from 1965 to around 1971, with the pinnacle of it's success taking  place in the 1967/68 period. I've included the original Old England Look Book from these particular years in this post to give you some indication of the full range.  In addition to wristwatches, there were ring watches, medallion watches, several oversized belt watch designs and a gift pack watch set with four interchangeable wristbands, all of which have now become highly collectible among 1960s/1970s enthusiasts.  Although in recent times there were about 30 designs readily available for a while when Accurist relaunched Old England in february 2011, however there doesn't seem to have been much activity regarding the brand since early 2012 and the items are currently out of stock, so i'm presuming that it has once again ceased production.

                        OLD ENGLAND LOOK BOOK 1967/68.


                                                             IMAGE CREDITS
All images scanned by Sweet Jane from TWEN July 1967. Photographs by Francis R. Hoff. Except for Old England Look Book which is courtesy of  The House of Accurist.

                            Watch an interview with designer Richard Loftus from 1968 here.

                              Read about the invention and evolution of the wristwatch here.

                                  View a collection of vintage Old England Watches here.


Knockout Fashion Shoes 1970


Norvic top trends..get up and go shoes that love the lively life you lead! Town-smart styles with squared-off toes and chunky heels. Stylish with straps, flaps and buckles. Smooth and subtle shades. Norvic Top Trends...put a lively girl like you feet ahead of the fashion scene!

Top left - Jenny May; Blue, beige, light tan, red, from 52/-.  Top Right - Sarah Jane; Light tan, from 57/-.
Bottom Left - Shirley Anne; Beige/light tan, blue/white, teak/rust, beige/teak, From 52/-. BottomRight - Betty Lou; Black, chestnut, From57/-.

                                                               IMAGE CREDITS

                    Image and original text scanned by Sweet Jane from Petticoat Magazine April 1970.


Dressing in Your Element 1967


Travelers heading for the sun can now get added mileage out of their horoscopes. An ascending interest in all things astrological has hit the fashion world. The Horoscope of Fashion currently underway in New York City at Lord & Taylor is an international Pandora's box of the occult, spilling out everything from pot holders (one per sign) to Emilio Pucci's brilliant new resort prints. When L&T asked designers to focus on the cosmos, they reacted in individual horoscopic fashion. In Florence, Pucci, a Scorpio, delved into his library of the ancients, emerged with prints from Babylonian signs. In Rome, Lydia de Crescenzo, a Gemini, fell back on Agrippa's 16th-century Strange Medical Gallery for flower symbols she embroidered on sundresses. And Cole of California's Margit Fellegi, a Leo, captured American cartoons that suit, for swimming, people of any sign.

FIRE signs are the pioneers, the independents, the leaders of men. Ariens (March 21-April 19) are first, then Leos (July 23-August 22) and Sagittarians (November 23-December 21). They aren't afraid to stand out in a crowd, might feel an affinity for Pucci's kinetic prints (velveteen fireside dresses, $150) and Jane Bolle's dramatic plastic hairpieces. Suga of Kenneth's conjured up the four twin hairstyles

EARTH signs Taurus (April 20-May 20), Virgo (August 23-September 22), Capricorn (December 22-January 19) are logical, painstaking and discriminating, with an affinity for nature. Lydia de Roma's linens, each with embroidered flower of one sign, would appeal to earth people. The symbols shown here; a Scorpio chrysanthemum ($120), Aquarian violet ($80). Rings are Sander Golberger's.

AIR signs are the idealists of the horoscope, usually intellectual and dispassionate in judgement. At the same time, they are lively and sociable. Gemini (May 21-June 21), Librans (September 23-October 23) and Aquarians (January 20-February 18) are likely to be interested in the occult sciences, would be naturally drawn to Nicoletta de Roma's denim play dresses ($38) with astrological data on the bibs. 

WATER signs are mercurial, highly intuitive, some times perceptive to the point of being psychic. They are sensitive and emotional, often poetic and spiritual. Cancerians (June 22-July 22), Scorpions (October 24-November 22) and Pisceans (February 19-March 20) have a natural affinity for the ocean, so Cole of California's swimsuits (bikini $23, blouson $36) would fit these sea worshipper's fishing for futures.

                                                            IMAGE CREDITS
All images & original text scanned by Sweet Jane  from LOOK magazine, November 1967. Original feature by Jo Ahern Zill. Photographed by Horn/Griner.

Undercolour Agent 1967


Oh! Oh! 7 exciting colours have just entered your secret life! Cool colours...hot colours..zingy colours. Here is Lovable's wonderful new colour co-ordinates concept. In Hot Pink, Cherry, Tangerine, Lemon, Apple, Turquoise, and Forget-me-not.

Left: Lightweight Lycra girdle match-mated with all-nylon bra in luscious 'Hot Pink'. Centre: Same whisper-weight Lycra in colourful 'Tangerine' panty-girdle, Matching nylon bra. Right: This team of Lycra panty-girdle and nylon bra in 'Apple Green', suspenders are detachable when you wear your panty-hose or stay-up stockings. Bras 13/11 Girdles 15/11 Panty-Girdles 19/11.  


                                                               IMAGE CREDITS
               Image & original text scanned by Sweet Jane from PETTICOAT magazine, September 1967.

The Fool and Apple Boutique 1968


I'm sure anyone who is interested in The Fool Design Collective will most probably have already seen these images of Apple boutique reproduced online time and time again via Tumblr and Pinterest etc. However, as striking as they are alone, I think the original article which accompanied them is more than noteworthy.  Although, it certainly sends the rose tinted view about the general attitude to life in the 60s that many of us now hold dear, crashing to the ground. Unfortunately, it wasn't all sunshine, lollipops and liberalism, it was pretty much the same then as it is now and always has been for the average man in the street when he is presented with something new! Lovers and haters and bigots abounded, a particularly fine display of which you can find in the second paragraph! But.. at least for a moment in time, albeit too briefly, The Fool and the Beatles tried to illuminate Baker Street in more ways than one!    

The Apple is open-psychedelamania let loose on white paint with a million rainbows in the basement. It's an extraordinary department store backed by the Beatles and created by Four designers - Simon, Marijke, Josje and Barry - called The Fool. Apple is them. Apple is the Fool, the Tarot card-figure zero-innocence; the four who stand between the Beatles and the Apple, and offer Aple to the people. Wild wizardry in the sludge of Baker Street. The building was a high, white house on a corner, and now it is jampacked with the color scene of Apple's beautiful people. Before this blaze, before the advent of the Fool, people looked at the scaffolding bruising pure white wall, and wondered, "What will they do? What will come next?" and they glimpsed the pots of paint with magical labels saying Sulphur, Marigold, Lilac, Midnight Blue, and snuck through the heavy glass door to see what was that skimming past in skintight velvet pants and jesus hair.

Across the road, the shopkeepers gaze, gulp, think again about their own windows. " They'll cheer us up a bit." ..."It's about time we had a face-lift." ..."I must put up some of me sykerdilic material on display; we'll be getting the kids up here now." And so they do. Staid old Baker Street, home of the maiden aunt, is buzzing with wasp stripes and fluffy with feather boas as the teenies don their kneeless garb and hop to Apple. But watch the huge distrust on the street. Beige faces batten on the glass windows which are walls and windows in one. They scowl at the brown-skinned plaster dummies draped in shout-red satin. They hate at the long-haired, sweet-faced boys. Rattling London buses skid to a halt at the traffic lights outside the shop, and brown-uniformed schoolgirls jump up to catch this explosion of light. "Ooh, look at that!" There are sparkling suits of light and gypsy silks. "Do you think they're real?""Me mum wouldn't be seen dead in a thing like that.""I wouldn't neither, it looks right daft.""But they're ever such lovely colors, aren't they?""They're certainly nice and colorful," nods an old lady behind her. "it's good to see something colorful. I say good luck to the young people. I like to see something lively." And this from an old dressmaker, clothed herself in brown and black, envying the imagination of the young.  Up the street storms an angry man. "What do they think they're doing? It's people like them sending Britain down the drain," he screams, shuddering with impotent rage. "They're unhealthy, they're evil, they're bad!" But his only alternative was the drab coat and the drab routine and the drab thoughts that he had spun around him, so he went away quietly when a middle-aged woman attacked him for being bigoted.

 "Art is for everyone," says Simon, "not just for a handful of people who speculate with money." So, true to his word, he sells his paintings as posters for ten shillings (10/-) each, and Marijke sells her intricate designs for the same, and Josje makes fantasy clothes for practical prices. And the Fool bring their magic to the masses. There's a wooden hand offered in greeting as you move to open the door. If you don't look out it will swing back and grab you in the guts. Watch how you treat that hand-it's the one that feeds you the enchanted Apple, and maybe you'll never be the same again. Swing into a goldfish bowl, and disregard the street stares. Crushed blackberry Fool carpet and zombies zooming in sparkling Indian costume. Plastic plants, polyethylene chairs and gluey dahlias rioting in the three-tiered gilded fountain rearing out from the stars and the moon and the sun. Stars spurt from the navy-blue ceiling. Rainbows split across the walls. Beatles blare, and sometimes the sitar soothes. Alexis, the electronic genius, has wrought his spell and the lights jump with the music. Plaster Fools cavort in the window while the navy-breasted passerby stand transfixed. Oh Apple, are you as good as you look? Can you keep your core intact? Well. Just to look that good is cool. Just to have turned on the West End fuzz and the taxi driver who said hey-why-don't-you-light-it-all-night and the lorry driver who went home to tell his family he'd seen a psychedelic supermarket spring into being on Baker Street. Just to stop people in their deadly tracks and wake their dying minds and change Baker Street from it's Tomblike drab to show them, to give them the opportunity to see, to help them reach it just for one moment. The startled moment of awareness before the objection and hostility come flooding in. Just to do that is OK.

The outside of the shop on Baker Street. Marijke says: "The outside of the shop is the symbol of all the things that are happening inside the building - the color and the music and the painting and the clothes we put out into the grey mass of the world."

                                  The Peacock Room for meditation and for trying on clothes.

The Fool at home, Marijke and Josje. Marijke says: "Color is an expression of light. It all lies in evolution. It goes from black to light; the gray lies in-between. Josje says: "We want our clothes to be practical as well as beautiful."

                         Fooling in the window are (from left) Marijke, Simon, Josje, and Barry .


                  The entrance: Treat that hand kindly. It's the one that feeds you the enchanted Apple.

Ed and Cheryl frolic on Baker Street. Ed has on Liberty print velvet J.C. jacket and Nantwich satin trousers. *Unfortunately the correct details about Cheryl's outfit in this photograph were omitted in the original magazine article and mistakingly replaced with the item details for the outfit on the left in the photograph below.

Sam, the girl in the foreground wears Turkish Delight in yellow and orange satin. Ed and Cheryl in their regalia, peek out from behind. Cheryl wears crepe satin Daisy blouse, brocade flipster vest, moire velvet maxi-skirt and organza headdress.

                                                            Jenny Boyd in Apple dress.

                                                                IMAGE CREDITS
All images & original text scanned by Sweet Jane from EYE Magazine April 1968. Photographs by Lester Waldman. Original article by Danae Brook.

                                  View one of my previous posts about The Fool here.
                                                 Visit Marijke Koger-Dunham's Website here.
                                                       Visit Yosha Fashion Amsterdam here.
                                                       Visit Simon Posthuma's website here   


Peter Max Funbrella 1970


You'll be swingin' in the rain with this original Peter Max Funbrella - designed exclusively for Right Guard. Wild colors. Groovy designs. 100% vinyl. $7.95 value - yours for only $3.95 with proof of purchase of new Right Guard Anti-Pespirant - best spray protection against wetness a girl can buy. Use the coupon on this page - or get an order blank on the Peter Max Funbrella display where you buy Right Guard.

                                                             IMAGE CREDITS
               Image & original text scanned by Sweet Jane from SEVENTEEN Magazine April 1970. 

                        View an original Peter Max Funbrella on the FIDM Museum website here.

Foale & Tuffin 1969


Wrap-around dress, 10gns., trousers, 6gns., by Foale & Tuffin. Jewellery from Ken Lane. Hair by Oliver at Leonard's. Slumberland bed, £68 19s. 6d. Sheepskin "Cuddle Cover' by D. Macpherson & Co. (Elgin) Ltd £59 19s. 6d., Sony TV, £79 17s 9d.

                                                               IMAGE CREDITS
All images & original text scanned by Sweet Jane from (1.) The Observer Magazine 23 February 1969 and (2.) Sixties Sourcebook A Visual Reference to the Style of a Decade by Nigel Cawthorne. Photographs by Helmut Newton.

Paris In The 70s


This is Paris, Spring '70, though to the uninitiated it might look more like the Wild West than Right Bank. Some designs are familiar, some so beyond the fringe as to pass without comment, and some so beautiful that you'll stop at nothing to get your hands on them. High on the wanted list are suedes with Aztec-Indian embroidery and tiny, chin-knotted scarves and long-line boots. There are extra-bulbous knickerbockers with tunic tops that halt firmly at the buttocks, midi-length satin or silk-jersey, pin-tucked or slit to the waist, spotted suede, squaw fringing, laced-up sleeves - in every length from mini to maxi!

Left to Right: Feraud, again, gone Indian with embroidered silk jersey midi dress, and thong boots; Dior in mauve wool coat with circle print dress, matching scarf, bobble knit cap; Feraud's squaw dress, suede fringed in layers with patch embroidery and tons of lacing! Ultra-lean Dior - maxi culottes, skinny top and fringed shawl with snake boots.

Left to Right: Ungaro's knickerbocker suede suit, with matching boots, stetson and choker scarf; Torrrente's midi dress in lilac voille, with pin-tucking, toning tights, granny shoes; Ungaro's satin midi-coat with massive scarf, and flowery printed pants, all in lilac; Feraud showing a leg in a bezaz of dots, with a hooch of beaded circles.

                                                            IMAGE CREDITS
All images & original text scanned by Sweet Jane from Petticoat magazine April 4th 1970. Original editorial by Sue Hone, Sketches by Leslie Chapman.

My Sin 1968


My Sin, a most provocative perfume, originally created by the mysterious Madame Zed for the house of Lanvin in 1924.

   Further information about the history of the perfume can be found on the Lanvin Perfumes blog here.
                                                                IMAGE CREDIT
                                  Image scanned by Sweet Jane from EYE magazine April 1968.

Linweave Tarot - The Original Artwork 1967


I always enjoy reading comments on the blog but every now and then a really interesting one turns up,  I was particularly intrigued to hear from Kenneth O'Connell recently regarding the Linweave Tarot deck issued in 1967 which I had first posted about around two years ago. Kenneth actually has in his possession some of the 'original artwork' used to create the cards, which he salvaged from the aftermath of a fire at the Linweave Paper Mill in Holyoke MA. where they were produced, and he has very kindly given me permission to include them in this post.  There are six in total, two by Hy Roth, three by Ron Rae and one by David Mario Palladini, which is the only one that differs slightly from the final printed version. Although they are no longer in the best of shape, I think it's amazing that they survived at all given the circumstances, especially as everything else in the mill was destroyed by fire or water damage! You can view my original posts about the Linweave Tarot deck in the links at the end of the page, thanks again to Ken for giving me the opportunity to share these ones.

                                                          Junon, illustrated by Hy Roth.

                                          Le Roi d'Épée, illustrated by David Mario Palladini.

                                              Le cheval de Denier, ilustrated by Ron Rae.

                                                    Le Roi de Denier, illustrated by Ron Rae.

                                                  La Reine de Denier, illustrated by Ron Rae.

                                                         L'Etoile, illustrated by Hy Roth.

                                                              IMAGE CREDITS
                                                 All images courtesy of Kenneth O'Connell.

                                        You can view my original Linweave Tarot deck post here.
                                       & view some more examples from the Linweave deck here.

Illustrations by Graham Rogers - Plexus 1970


                                                                IMAGE CREDITS

All images scanned by Sweet Jane from PLEXUS issue No. 34, April 1970. Cover art by Graham Rogers, all additional illustrations also by Graham Rogers for Réflexe Conditionné, Une nouvelle  de Paul Dechelles.

Dolly Clothes For Dolly Birds 1967


A dolly twosome. Left: Miss Polly dress in a Victoriana style in pale blue and white Tricel, price £4 17s. 6d. Right: smock-type Dacron dress by Simon Massey, price 89s. 11d. Shoes by Gaby, 79s, 11d.

Right: little girl look with puff sleeves and a high waist in lilac cotton with white spots and stripes, in a style from Polly Peck, price 5 gns.

Left: cute knicker-dress in harlequin print from Simon Ellis, 8½ gns. For shorter than short dresses - knickers are 'in'!  Right: a pastel floral print in a truly baby doll style, by Lee Cecil, 7 gns.

Left: the dolly dress craze that raged through the London discotheques. This hand-made, fully lined crochet dress in white wool has been designed exclusively for RAVE readers at the special price of 12 gns. (20 gns. or over in the shops!) Designed by Audrey, it is available from James Sutherland and Associates, 55 Park Lane, London, W.1. Please state colour  - black, white, gren, turquoise, yellow or rose, and size - 10, 12, or 14.

Two swinging tent coats by Simon Howard. Right: in a curly dolly fabric, ratinée, in lilac, price 14 gns. Left: in apple green wool with a high yoke and buttoning, price 11½ gns. Dolls from a selection at the Chantelle Gift shop, 33 Brompton Road, London, S.W. 3, All hair pieces with kooky coloured streaks by Tovar.

                                                              IMAGE CREDITS
All images & original text scanned by Sweet Jane from RAVE magazine February 1967. Original editorial by RAVE fashion girl, Lee. Photographs by P.L. James. 

If You Want to Get Ahead, Get a Cap! 1966


                                                    Youthful Caprice for Caps
In the city, at the beach, on all sorts of indoor and outdoor larks, the young are wearing caps this summer. Not just any old cap, but the cap, the squashy one with a visor brim that the Beatles favor. The kids buy the caps every where and at all prices, but mostly at Army and Navy stores which have become favorite emporiums in the U.S.  Milliners like the look too and have adapted the cap for their customers who go for it's nonchalance and the becoming way it has with long, smooth hairdos. The cap fad looks as though it will continue on in the fall and it may be that the long-standing fashion for hatlessness is losing it's hold. As one young cap-wearer puts it, "Only the middle-aged ladies go bare-headed."

At Richard's Army and Navy store (left) in New York, three long-haired youngsters try on caps that sell for $2.99.

Enjoying pop artist Andy Warhol's floating pillows in a Los Angeles gallery, Mrs. Dennis Hopper, daughter of the late Margaret Sullivan, wears a checked Leon Bennett cap with slacks.

In California a swimmer in low backed maillot by Brigance, wears white canvas milliner's version (Leon Bennett).

                                                               IMAGE CREDITS
All images & original text scanned by Sweet Jane from LIFE September 5th 1966. Photographs by Christa & Henry Grossman.

Jewel Personality 1968


                                                             IMAGE CREDITS
All images scanned by Sweet Jane from QUEEN magazine 8th may 1968. Photographs by John Hedgecoe. Model Kellie Wilson.

Italian Fashion Illustration 1971


A few of my favourites from a six page article about Italian fashion illustration, originally published in Gebrauchsgraphik International Advertising Art in February 1971. These type of illustrations would have been distributed by The Centro di Firenze per la Moda Italiana to representatives of the international press attending fashion shows staged in Florence at the beginning of every season. They were printed in hand-bill format with comments in three languages, comprising of various keywords, the names of the fabrics and shades characterising the new collections as well as the names of participating manufacturers of fashionable accessories and cosmetics on the back. I have to say, as charming as the last b&w illustration is in it's own way...it also looks remarkably like another version of an illustration by Urs Landis for French Vogue in 1970, which i've posted beneath it. 

            DE PARISINI, of Santa Margherita. Gianni Versace designed for De Parisini around this time.

                                                               CLAIRMONT'S, Naples.

                                                               CHARADE, Genoa.

                                                        DE PARISINI, of Santa Margherita.

                                                                  SARLI, Naples.

                                                           ROBERTO-LUCA, Como.

                                                   Urs Landis for French Vogue, 1970.

                                                           IMAGE CREDITS
All images scanned by Sweet Jane from Gebrauchsgraphik, February 1971. Except for final illustration by Urs Landis which was scanned from Fashion Drawing in Vogue by William Packer, but originally published as part of a beauty editorial in French Vogue, 1970.

Courtelle 1967


                                                                 IMAGE CREDITS
                       Image scanned by Sweet Jane from Elle Magazine (France), 17 October 1967.

Billion Dollar Look 1967


Put it in your pocket: a cowled coatdress in gold-bar yellow. About $40, Alder stockings, shoes by Et Cetera. Dress made of wool loomed in America, by Real Jrs.

Slot seaming and flashes of white make a fortune in fashion here. (Even the collar stands up and pays rapt attention, as in all these coatdresses.) About $35. Earrings by Laguna.

The magnificent mandarin: a coatdress of all wool fabric in high-profit pink. By Josette Jr. Petite; about $23, Adolfo II Breton, T-strapped shoes by Patinos.

Build an Empire, heiress style, in all wool vanilla chinchilla, By Josette Jr. Petite; about $26. Enamel pin by Albert Weiss, VanEli shoes.

                                                            IMAGE CREDITS
All images & original text scanned by Sweet Jane from SEVENTEEN Magazine, September 1967. All photographs by Carmen Schiavone.
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